I've just had an argument with my boyfriend and I'm crying so I don't know how well-written this will turn out to be.

My boyfriend is always saying that I never do anything positive for him and that I'm a bad influence. He is depressed, we're both unemployed and living with parents. I'm currently studying to become a public school teacher (I am not American btw).

He gave me some examples of positive things other have done for him, such as his friends taking him to a camping trip because he doesn't have a car and so they invited him. I don't have a car and I don't have money, I couldn't have done anything like that for him.

He then gave me examples of things that he has done for me, such as convincing his parents (They're middle class) to let me go on a trip with them or taking up an exhausting job so we could live together in the past. About the first, I can't do that because my mother doesn't go anywhere, we don't even have a car, and we don't have money to go on trips (we're working class). About the second, I have applied for exhausting jobs as well but I didn't get hired or considered by any company. For him, the fact that I have spent months applying for job is not something positive because it didn't make him happy because I haven't been hired. I understand his POV but he can't say I haven't tried. He said my "if I had a car" or "If I had money" words are useless, words don't make him happy. But the fact that I've cleaned, cooked for him, looked for a job, tried not to tell him my sorrows, spent money to look pretty because he asked me to, doesn't count.

I told him that I am powerless, being unemployed, with an useless CV and car-less, but he has known this since he met me years ago. He says he has been expecting for the situation to change and he is unhappy when I say it's going to take some years. He isn't happy when I tell him the reality of things. He said he doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

TL;DR: My boyfriend says I don't do anything positive for him but all he considers that is positive is out of my reach because it implies spending money, or having a car or a job, which I don't.

PD: We're going on a week long trip next month (I don't know, maybe he'll cancel it) because he needs it to be happy, to be out and about. Same for me, but I can't afford it. Reluctantly, I said yes, and I'm spending my money on it. But it doesn't count.

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