I'll try to be as concise as possible. There's this girl I've known for a good 6 years and pretty much since we met, we've been really good friends. We'll call her O. In the beginning, naturally (since she's really attractive), we were trying to see if something more would work. That was all the way back in early 2020, and all we've done was made out a couple of times, sexted and sent half-naked pics. Then we stopped, having decided to just keep it a friendship, since we valued each other to an extent where we couldn't risk no contact by, for example, breaking up. In 2020, I also started a relationship that would last almost 3 years. Throughout this time, me and O would meet and text every now and then, but bc my ex was so jealous, I'd limit my contact with O for pretty much the entirety of 2022. Worth mentioning is, despite O's raging hormones, she never had a boyfriend until the summer of 2022, so before that, she'd use me as a catalyst for her sexual desires/thoughts/jokes. They'd range from a ,,daddy" joke to a full blown description of a kinky scenario. Happened even when I had a girlfriend. Never considered it cheating, since I thought I wasn't the one fueling her desires + it's normal to tell your best friend those things. When me and my ex broke up on New Year's 22/23, me and O slowly rebuilt contact. She was still in that relationship, relatively happy, though over time, she started complaining more and more about the guy. We have been platonic best friends over the course of 2023. And then in late November, they broke up. Since she had no way of, let's say, relieving her stress (she doesn't masturbate), she started making very clear moves on ME. Told me how great of a boyfriend I seem to be (forgot to mention, I'm in another relationship since March 2023), how it'd he hard to find a better candidate than me, she started making very overt sex jokes towards me, even going as far as asking ,,Do you think we'd enjoy a night together?" or telling me about her really deeply hidden sex preferences (where she likes a guy finishing, how rough she likes it etc). I also, though timidly, responded with my preferences, keeping a certain line between us since I, still, am in a relationship. Also, during that time, she mentioned she's been thinking about me romantically and sexually occasionally every so often. Worth mentioning she never crossed a physical line (even if she admitted to wanting to kiss me a few times), and she was worried she was doing too much over text too. All of a sudden, they got back together in January. Since then, she got a LOT less overt with me. Stopped talking about sex pretty much altogether, got a lot more, I guess, platonic and even texts me less, though we do meet fairly often and everything seems to be working great. The platonic stuff works for me obviously since I'm taken, but I'm wondering- am I genuinely a neverending desire for her (no matter how narcissist that sounds), or was her making moves just a result of her hormones? And where do you see us in the future?

TLDR: My best friend makes moves on me on occasion, and has been doing so since 2020, whilst also respecting the rules of simple friendship.

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