Have I reached the end game?

Coming up 4 years ago, I got out of an incredibly unhealthy and terrifying relationship. Think a downgraded Play Misty For Me.

Since then, I got out of the military, got my MBA, got two dogs, bought a house, benched 250lbs, rebuilding two British sports cars, and landed an easy job in the South. All income streams in, I make $150k after taxes.

Life is simple. I have my responsibilities and can handle them.

Is this it? Have I reached the end game?

I have my acquaintances, no real “bros”, but I keep it quiet.

I do get lonely sometimes, however I remember every bad relationship I’ve had. Hadn’t rightly had a good one since my college GF nearly 20 years ago. So it’s just me and my dogs. Which ain’t that bad most of the time.

Perhaps a rant of sorts.

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