What is something you wished your ex understood about you?

  1. That I’m allowed to have feelings and be upset too. I shouldn’t have to just give, give, give emotionally while having to deal with my own issues alone.

  2. That in a fight you don’t have to always prove that you’re right, cause sometimes you can be absolutely wrong and especially don’t shout and make your point.

  3. Nothing about me. But there are a bunch of things I wish he’d understand about himself.

  4. That my thoughts and feelings, meant just as much as his thoughts and feelings. You know… equality.

  5. I’m sure he understands now. I told him several times when we were daying that I block people when they cross me. Now he’s blocked.

  6. I would have given it my all to make it work if he would have given me the chance.

  7. At first, when I would say no for sex, it had nothing to do with him ( either I was tired, stressed, sad, not in the mood, or something else). But since he made it about him, it became about himself. That fact killed my desire for him.

    Edit: changed a word

  8. That I don’t need to be saved from my emotions, in order to process my negative feelings in a healthy way *I need to actually feel them.* When I was sad and journaling, or just being quiet because I was feeling more irritable that day he would try to fix it (which just felt like he was trying to fix me). He felt so much discomfort around my feelings that he could never just let me feel them, and allow me to space to cope in productive manners.

    I left him because I don’t want to be in a relationship where I can’t be my fullest, human self. I don’t want to feel as though I have to preform happiness when I am having a hard day. ***I was interested in being a girlfriend, and it seemed like he just wanted an actress.***

  9. That when I reacted to him I was expressing genuine feelings, not trying to “punish” him.

  10. That I was only 16 and he was 22 and the fact that he wanted me to be emotionally mature enough to have an adult relationship is ridiculous. Also, that him chasing after me and dating me was wrong and he should be ashamed he ever went for me.

  11. trying to express my emotions on twitter wasn’t me being a “sad girl”, I JUST HAD NO ONE TO TALK TO BC OUR SO CALLED RELATIONSHIP WAS A SECRET

  12. That effort isn’t just for when I get mad.

    I’d be a lot less mad if he just put forth some effort that didn’t take me exploding for him to do it for the two days after.

    Thank God for the partner I have now.

  13. My philosophical nature. It always boils down to my philosophical nature.

    I *enjoy* discussing *every* viewpoint under the sun. In order to *understand*.

    Ah well. Next one’s gotta get it. Elsewise there won’t be a “next one”. xD

  14. That we had different love languages. I tried so hard to fulfil his needs of physical touch and showing him I cared through it but I needed some words of affirmation and he could not reciprocate. He just didn’t care that I might need something different to him.

  15. That the way I needed to be loved at 18 is not the same now that I’m 24😔

  16. I cant plan and coordinate everything. I already have 1 child, I’d rather be alone than have to babysit an adult.

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