My (F29) partner (M29) and I have been together for about 6 months, known each other for 8. Recently I have found out that he lied about multiple things. Some are pretty small things, but due to my history and certain insecurities these lies have caused a lot of trust issues in our relationship. I have asked for a break for me to just think things through. I was in an abusive marriage for 10 years, and I am horrified of being in a bad relationship again. Plus, I just got my masters degree and am about to start a very good job and I feel like I don’t need anything bringing me down, yet, I have gotten so attached to this man.

Here are some of the examples of the lies: for the better half of our relatively new relationship he had told me that I was the only person he had been talking to since our first date. He told me that he slept with his ex a week before we met, but there was nothing more to it and he hasn’t talked to her again since. This made me feel kinda weird, because this is an ex whom he has been broken up with for more than two years. He told me a whole story about how she had came into town because she heard he was here (he had moved since they broke up). A few months later he confessed that he lied about having sex with his ex. He said he had actually had a one night stand with a girl he met on a dating app. He said he panicked and told me he had sex with his ex, because he believed that sounded better than him telling me the truth – he had sex with just a random girl (we will call her Beth) he met on a dating app. Fast-forward a few months later, I found out that he hadn’t even matched (dating app) with Beth until a week after we had our first date and slept with her around the time we had our fourth date. I was upset, but even more confused because he had told me this one night stand, the only one he had since he met me, happened a week before our first date. I asked him who he had had sex with a week before he met me then, he said no one. He told me he must have mixed the dates up. By this point I’m confused. This man has been telling me that I was the only woman he had been talking to, something that I valued but turned out to be completely false.

I have to add that we met and started dating early October, but we did not make our relationship official until early December. I understand that we were not exclusive when he met and talked to Beth. I value honesty and transparency. My partner and I discussed our expectations many times throughout our relationship. The fact that he had told me I was the only woman he was talking to is what bugs me. There was no reason to lie, and in my eyes, this wasn’t just one lie, it was a bunch of lies.

There are other things as well. At least four other women have been a topic of conversation, for example: he had a coworker a while back (we will call her Mary). One of his friends had made a comment about how this girl had him going crazy at one point, he was apparently really into her but she didn’t share the same feelings for him. This girl was invited to a New Year’s Eve party, before I was even told about the party. I also found out that while we were having some issues a couple of months ago he told his friend he was just going to start talking to Mary again. He swears that this was just a joke.

He has told me that he does not want to lose me because he hasn’t met another woman like me, yada yada, and that he is willing to do whatever he needs to do to save our relationship. He has asked me to go to couples counseling together so we can learn how to get through this together. I have gotten so attached to this person, mainly because of the person I believed him to be at the beginning of the relationship. I guess I’m having trouble reconciling everything. I have asked for a break a couple of times now, but every time we end up talking and making up a few days later. I have a lot of issues, I’m not going to deny that. My fear of abandonment is probably what sabotages every attempt we make to take a small break.

I feel so confused, I don’t know what’s up or down or what’s left or right. Am I the problem? Am I just too insecure? Is he the problem? These are things I have to process. Thankfully I have an amazing therapist I see every two weeks (I have been working on myself, or at least trying for the past year and a half). The only problem is that I can’t seem to just take a break from this man. I am considering taking a break for real, but blocking him in every platform and asking him to do the same so I don’t have the chance to reach out. Do you think this would be a good idea?

Tl;dr: I found out that my boyfriend lied to me about things that were very important for me in a relationship, I can’t seem to successfully take a break from him to think about things and I am considering blocking him on all platforms so that I can get a chance to think things through.

  1. If he’s consistently dishonest about weird small stuff I’d just stay broken up personally. I don’t have time for lying and I don’t want to spend my time guessing what’s really going on, or with someone who’s making these weird executive decisions about what information I’d prefer to hear over the truth.

  2. Focusing on the title of this post and setting all context aside – I’ve always found blocking people childish, unnecessary and weird. Granted, I never had a stalker so maybe if someone was abusing the means of communication with me it would have been different.

    Taking context into consideration, the more I read, the bigger scum he gets. Best case scenario is that he’s a pathological liar. Worst case – serial cheater. I wouldn’t want either in my life.

    Focus on your therapy, not on this POS.

  3. No, you don’t block him, you dump him.

    You were in an abusive marriage for ten years, that ate up enough of your life as it is. Don’t make time for people that show any signs of being sketchy.

  4. You need trust for a relationship to work. He’s lost that because of his lies and no amount of counselling will get it back. Finish with him. Block and delete his number and work with your therapist on why you feel so attached to this man after only 6 months.

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