TL; DR My boyfriend never actually hits me , but he does grab my face and hands and then proceeds to tell me he knows it’s wrong , but I “provoke him”.

Please tell me if I’m getting abused . TRIGGER WARNING

I want to start off with the fact that I’ve been with this guy for 3 months . The relationship started off unhealthy , being together every day, sleeping over my house every day. I started noticing how unhealthy that was , and I’ve been asking him for space for a few weeks .i felt suffocated and felt like he was too obsessive / clingy. Felt like he was living with me . Every time I’ve told him I want space , he says is it because of someone else , do you have someone else over , etc. He also always says I’m on drugs ( I’m in recovery)
Every time we fight , the fights have gotten progressively worse . He has grabbed my neck, my face , my throat multiple times . He has blocked me from leaving multiple times . He has taken my phone multiple times from me and grabbed my hands. I tried to break up with him, but he got in my face and said no we’re not done. He also says I provoke him every time I try to tell him that him touching me and throwing me around is not ok. I have forgiven him multiple times . He says I’m crazy and my bad mouth makes him do that. He also says he never “beat me” because he never directly hit me . What do I do? We have such good times together but I have felt in danger multiple times. He never beat me but he grabs me and gets in my face . He leaves me scared and shaking in the corner of my bed.

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