My (M24) girlfriend (F23) is a virgin. We’ve been together about 5 months and have not had sex yet. She told me after a few dates that she is a virgin and that if we were together she would need me to wait a while for her to be ready, which I was fine with. She has some issues with sexual shame and confidence. By the sounds of it her mother caused most of it, telling her from age 12 that she was a “slut” for what she wore or talking to boys etc. She only just started learning to masturbate a few months ago after a lot of encouragement from me. She had never once tried it before then. I’m a very sexually open person, so it’s sometimes hard for me to understand her perspective.

I am looking for book recommendations that we could read together so that she doesn’t feel so alone in her feelings but also could give her some info and encouragement to be comfortable in her sexuality.

(I know ideally therapy would benefit too but we currently cannot access that due to finances and location. Please no negative comments, I’m just looking for book recs).

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