So a bit of context, Im an usher at my church and Ive been having a bit of a boundaries issue with my pastor. It seems like he believes our time belongs solely to the church and whenever I dont make it to an event or miss a Sunday, I get an “Where are you?” Text from him. To say this bothers and annoys me is an understatement. He believes that because we serve we basically gotta give him details about our whereabouts. Yesterday I Texted him about something else and completely ignored his last 2 texts asking me where I was last Sunday.

Well today he responded and then said “why didnt you respond to my last 2 messages? Did they bother you? Lol 😂 “ (with the emojis and all) i found it to be super passive aggressive and I often find it rlly hard to respond to these type of comments. I either go full honest and end up being offensive or just ignore the comments and move it along and then get annoyed at myself selg for not saying anything. But this time I feel like telling him to respectfully back off or just simply let him know he’s annoying me. I will eventually change church’s because Ive gotten to the point where I cant see myself congregating here further due to him. But before I go I do want to respond, Im just kind of in a pickle on what to say :/

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