So, I'm a 27M in a relationship with my 36 year old gf. We are together since January 2024. We live on distance (800 km between us, and a sea). Unfortunately after just five months a crisis appeared. I had a conversation with her today and she started to mention things like I became a different person after the last time I've visited her. She doesn't really like my approach to my life and relationship. Instead of being sure about everything, planning the future, I have a more careful approach. When she asks about something in far future, I use to say "We will see. Let's take it slowly".
She feels that I lose the feelings and love for her when I say things that I quoted and started questioning me if I really feel anything.
What made me really start thinking and analysing whole relationship is her statement that I treat her like a toy and have control over her.

I've never had a relationship before so I lack any possible experience. I don't really know what to do. She could be right, it could my fault. But this all make me question myself if I've had grown up enough for a relationship. Of course, I hope to find a solution. I don't want to choose the ultimate option which is breaking up, because I know it might hurt her alot.

Don't know what to do

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