TLDR: guy I liked picked someone else and I feel like I’m never good enough

I (23F) went on a couple dates w a guy (28). I ended up really liking him and he seemingly liked me too (he was kind, supportive, interested in what I had to say, flirty, affectionate) but our schedules just weren’t meshing. We only saw each other twice over about a month (and the second date got cut short because he started to not feel good) however, the time we did spend together was a lot of fun and exciting and meaningful (at least I thought). After the second date we couldn’t see each other for about two weeks so we had tentative plans to hangout on two weekends ahead. Week and a half later, I text him asking if he still wanted to do something the upcoming weekend and he says he totally forgot that we were going to hangout and asks if I’m free in the early next week. I wasn’t free though until later in the week so then we planned on getting a drink on Thursday night. Couple nights before Thursday, he hits me with a “hey alex, hope you’re doing well. Been seeing one girl for a while now and I’m just going to be seeing her from now on. Hope everything works out for you going forward. You are very kind”. I know this is healthier communication that ghosting but damn it still hurt my feelings. Maybe I’m just attention deprived so I got too attached. Anyone have any insight or advice that might make me feel less shitty.

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