Been together almost 3 years and I feel the honeymoon phase has well and truly faded. I can honestly say I don’t feel much happier with her around than being alone, though I haven’t experienced being alone for several years now so I don’t know how accurate that statement would be.

We do things together but they always involve spending money, it only brings a temporary spark in joy for a few hours then dies down. We don’t have many common interests either. Recently, we’ve started arguing a lot and with two stubborn headed people going at it, it never ends too well.

What I can say is that I can’t tell her the truth as she cannot ever handle it and gets really offended by anything. She’s a type to take offence to a lot of things whether said by me or by others whilst I’m the total opposite. Whenever we do argue, it’s only me that is in the wrong and she won’t see what she has done.

As we’ve been together for a while, we’ve seemed to stop saying thank you for doing things for one another but come to expect it. What else is that she is very dependent on me and at times she doesn’t feel like a gf but worryingly more like a child. This is something I’d love to raise with her but her nature, she wouldn’t be able to handle this and it would break her. She doesn’t do much herself and even depends on me to drive her to places as she refuses to learn to drive.

She’s not a bad person, she’s got a great heart but I’m not sure if I am the right person for her as I feel I can’t give her what she needs and we are worlds apart.

Is the above normal in a relationship? Arguing I guess would be and the taking eachother for granted?

TLDR; unsure whether I am taking relationship for granted or just incompatible with gf.

  1. I think she’s not right *for you*. She’s immature and unwilling to communicate. That will wear on anyone after a awhile. I would consider either breaking up or at least one last hail mary attempt at a serious conversation.

  2. If you can’t be honest with someone and talk through issues together, then you barely have a relationship. Break up. You have no partnership together, and this is just going to get worse and worse.

  3. It sounds like the relationship has run its course. You don’t feel like you two are right for each other and that’s a perfectly valid reason to end the relationship.

  4. >I can honestly say I don’t feel much happier with her around

    Red flag 1

    >We do things together but they always involve spending money, it only brings a temporary spark in joy for a few hours then dies down.

    Red flag 2

    >We don’t have many common interests either.

    Red flag 3

    >What I can say is that I can’t tell her the truth as she cannot ever handle it and gets really offended by anything. She’s a type to take offence to a lot of things whether said by me or by others whilst I’m the total opposite.

    Red flag 4

    >Whenever we do argue, it’s only me that is in the wrong and she won’t see what she has done

    Red flag 5

    >What else is that she is very dependent on me and at times she doesn’t feel like a gf but worryingly more like a child.

    Red flag 6

    >This is something I’d love to raise with her but her nature, she wouldn’t be able to handle this and it would break her.

    Red flag 7

    >She doesn’t do much herself and even depends on me to drive her to places as she refuses to learn to drive.

    Red flag 8

    >Is the above normal in a relationship?

    If you’re in a shitty relationship with the wrong person, yes.

    Come on man. You barely like her. Let her go and find some other doormat who wants to be a chauffeur, wallet and parent to her.

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