Hello all,

I have been married for 10 years to an Indian family living in the US. My in-laws since I came to the USA always created drama and blamed me that I am not a good human because my husband loved me. It's been so many years I had gone through and developed Post traumatic stress disorder by living between them. My husband supported me before but since we have been living in our own house for 3 years but husband always insists that I talk to his parents again and create a talking term relationship with them. We both have been having continuous arguments on this once I got fed up and my husband left my house and stayed with his parents to file divorce. NOW I AM PREGNANT AND MY IN LAWS ARE TELLING MY HUSBAND AGAIN TO TELL YOUR WIFE TO TALK TO THEM, INVITE TO PARTIES ETC ETC. I know why my in-laws are doing this is to get close to my baby but I am sure the 10 years of disrespect which I dealt with I don't want to go back to that part of my life which my husband doesn't seem to understand. He says his parents would disown him if this continues. I feel like I have to sacrifice so much for my mental health. If my husband is talking to his parents and going to their house every now and then, he should not push me. I am so fed up that whatever his parents ask, my husband tells me to do exactly what they want. I am thinking if this would lead to divorce in future as I dont want such an environment for my child where me and my husband would argue his parents' conversations rather than focusing on our child. PLease advice…

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