I feel like there’s so much celebration around achieving success early in life but not so much when people are older. Would love to hear your stories, ladies!

  1. I didn’t die by 25, despite my best efforts, so I had to figure out wtf I was supposed to do next.

    I have a nice little home with a wife and a dog, basically enjoying my life and taking care of myself. My version of success

  2. I just turned 30 yesterday. And I’ve gotten my first real job out of high school last month. This might seem stupid but I have had issues in the past that make it hard for me to find work so while this isn’t how I planned my life out, I’m trying.

  3. I had a child soon after graduating college (was a crap degree) and spent most of my focus in my 20’s to mid 30’s on him. Initially i had to work 2
    jobs and had to decide on paying utilities or groceries. I put myself in debt, a lot. When I finally got a semi decent job I began to enjoy myself a little more but knew the job wouldn’t sustain me forever.

    At 37 I decided to go back to school to be an engineer and received my degree 2 1/2 yrs later. I worked and attended school FT, while also raising my son. I won’t mention the tragic losses I experienced during this time, but it was hard to keep going.

    Once I graduated it took about a year to find a better job. NOW, I’m super close to paying off all of my debt. I even managed to begin saving money to buy a house! I’m super happy w/how far I’ve come. I know I’m judged bc I didn’t accomplish these things while I was young but maybe, just maybe my son will appreciate it some day.

  4. Went back to school in my late 20s after earning a liberal arts degree. Met my partner after age 30 after some awful relationships. Only got my professional license in my mid-30s but also managed to learned a third language. Moved around the country, got another dog, am happily married & in a job that keeps me fulfilled. It’s been a bumpy road with lots of challenges, regrets & mistakes, but I have to be proud of being resilient & getting to a point of *not* being miserable & unhappy.

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