I've been married to my wife for five years, we have a baby and another on the way, however, she has gradually stopped being the fun, affectionate, and loving woman she once was, and has turned into a bitter, always angry person with whom there is basically not a single moment of happiness. Any attempt at conversation I make is cut off to talk about some problem or task we need to do.

She constantly complains about work and even quit, which is worrying because we need that income too, as she likes to live an expensive lifestyle. She only cares if there's food for her and the baby in the house; I practically have nothing to eat, and whether I eat or not doesn't matter to her.

When she arrives home, she lies down and makes me take care of the baby, even while I have to work. She has left the baby crying next to me during meetings, which obviously affects my ability to participate and excel at work. I feel desperate, I feel confused, and I'm trying to answer any questions you might have because I'm writing this more as a way to vent and free myself a bit because I truly feel like I'm about to explode.

In summary, everything with her is negative, there's no fun conversation, no moments of smiles, everything is stress, anger, blame, and I feel like I can't take it anymore. I'd like to attribute it to hormones, but she's like this even when she's not pregnant. Has anyone else felt this way?

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