My boyfriend (21M) and I (21F) have been officially dating since December. We actually had feelings for each other for like 2 months before we started dating but I didn’t want to get into a relationship with a person who I had only met in September. Reason being my last “relationship” lasted a month because I went out with a guy I barely knew. He kept rushing and jumping the gun and kept asking till I said yes and then dumped a month later for BS reasons (he actually confirmed this). I was always antisocial but that made it worse.

Anyways back to the issue, my current BF is the sweetest most loving person ever. I am his first GF, he was a complete virgin when I met him. And everything was great. At the start we had a few bumps in the road but we got through them easily. Now the issue is that my love language is touch, I have to physically see the person, be able to touch them for me to know that they still love me ans care for me.For me to keep liking a person, I need to see and touch them regularly. When we would be together, I’d poke, nibble, hug or just rest myself against his body. I’d even sit on the floor next to his chair as he is gaming to keep the closeness. Now that summer break has started, I am feeling like I’m not interested in him. There’s no emotions that I’m projecting at all, not just for him but for anything. My emotions have gone numb. And I’m losing it.

My boyfriend has been nothing but amazing we have never had any serious issues, just random bickering that would last like 2 minutes. Now when he refers to himself as my boyfriend, my mind is like “….. sure….” He has no relationship or intimacy experience and I am his first everything. I feel like a horrible person for being like this.

What should I do?

1 comment
  1. I think you should try to plan a meet up, see if those feelings reignite when you see him; if not, just end things gently and kindly.

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