I (F20) have been talking to this guy (M22) for almost a year. we started talking on twitter and we grew a deep connection with each other.

for the past couple of weeks, I noticed his energy towards me has shifted.

  • he hasn’t called me for two weeks. we would always FaceTime on the weekends but that has changed

  • conversations have been vague and boring – when I initiate conversation he’ll respond with a few words.

  • he hasn’t complimented me in months. when in the beginning he would always used to

  • he doesn’t update me on what he’s doing, his snapscore has gone up significantly or he posts on his story while I’ve been on delivered for hours

  • he turns off and on his location, when a few months back he would always have it on for me

I haven’t done anything wrong and there’s no reason for him to be ignoring me. It hurts so much because I am so attached to him. I have a gut feeling that what we had is ending and he’s cutting me off. I just wish he could be mature enough and tell me what he wants. I don’t know what to do. I haven’t talked to him in hours. If and when he texts me back, should I ghost him back or confront him?

TLDR – I (F20) have been ghosted and don’t know what to do. I am attached to him (M22) but I don’t want to keep somebody around who has been ignoring me. I feel so hurt and don’t know what to do

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