I’m a flight attendant, surprise. It seems like I can’t get ANY men to take me seriously — as anything more than a booty call. I’ve tried to start giving a long speech about what I want and don’t want (“I want to get to know someone, settle down and have kids. I don’t enjoy causal sex and situationships”) .

I’ve tried being nonchalant and ‘gone with the flow’, I’ve moved passed my 21/22 year old girl impossible standards for men (no 6’5 blue eyed man in finance for me). Still, all I attract is one night stands.

Even when they say we’re on the same page about the future and they want to “date,” they ghost or now all of a sudden, they don’t have the time. I’m also VERY open to the fact that maybe I’m ugly with a shitty personality but I know a lot of women my age who I work with who say the same thing. I refuse to believe we’re ALL ugly. I recently had the first guy directly say to my face that the job is a turn off and he doesn’t want to get added to my roster, but buddy the roster doesn’t exist 😭

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