So im fairly young and i have this girl in my class who i’ve gotten close to this year.
But since a couple months ago she started acting wierd,she started making gestures torward her boobs and started making wierd sexual remarks that i never hear her say even around her best of friends, and yesterday when we were saying bye to each other she huged me witch she had never done before so that is what made me wanna ask a few ppl.
If somebody could tell me if she is or isnt flirting with me id be very gratefull.
Have a nice day.

  1. Seems like she is. People flirt in all sorts of ways, and this is probably her way. If she’s not doing that with other people she’s close to, I think you’ve got something going for you. If you like her, why don’t you ask her on a date? Your chances sound great to me, my friend.

  2. She definitely is, what stood out to me was that her humor is different around her friends

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