We (20M, 20M) broke up about 4 months (dated for 4 months prior) ago because he was stressed about school / family life, and depressed and didn’t think he could provide me with what I needed. We had a very close relationship and promised to keep in touch afterwards and even attempted to keep plans we had previously made (although, I had to cancel for my mental well-being).

We tried to talk a little but it was uncomfortable / we were still hurting so we really didn’t talk a whole lot for a while, maybe a text here and there, but that’s it.

Yesterday I posted something on Snapchat and he responded nearly instantly. He asked about my vacation and what I was doing, and we got in a 45 minute conversation about life, family, school, work, and how we’re feeling about each other.

He essentially confessed that he hasn’t gotten over me and that he thinks of me every day and still loves me and wishes we didn’t break up (but still thinks we “had” to) and that he misses me and wants to see me when he comes back (he’s an international student).

Basically what I’m asking is since our relationship was great, and we had no issues, and we still love each other, should I try to make it work? I think he made it clear that he wishes it did, and I definitely do too. I think it’s difficult for him mainly because of the pressure from his (homophobic) parents and because he’s depressed / secretly insecure and thinks he’s not good enough. He told me something along the lines of “there’s someone better out there for you. I’m short and ugly” and it hurts me tbh. I just want the best for him. He even said he was surprised he didn’t flunk out of school because of the stress of it all

TL;DR – What do you think my next step should be? I think you can tell what my heart wants…

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