What do you know about the throat chakra?

  1. Nothing, and anything I might have heard about it was entirely against my will.

  2. The complete absence of a glowing light at my throat has me convinced mine has gone missing. Have you seen it?

  3. That’s the yellow one related to communication and socializing or something, right?

    I had an aura reading when I was a teenager and she said something about how my throat chakra was especially large and open and I think she told me it was related to socializing or people with people, which made me laugh because I hated (and hate) socializing.

  4. Throat chakra is blue colour it is to do with speaking clearly, communication, self-expression. Sometimes it can be blocked, balanced or overactive. There’s lots of information about it on google and pinterest.

  5. Is that why I can produce gurgling sound like ghost girl from The Grudge?

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