First I want to apologize if I use some wrong words, as my English is not very good.
And I think I should say that I’m 17 right now and just graduated from school.

So I really like one girl, and want to know her better. But I get very anxious around her, however the question’s not about that. The question is: what’s the exact edge between a hangout and a date? Is “a possible kiss at the end” the only think that makes difference between a date and a hangout? Please, answer seriously.

Edit: I mean, a hangout called a date may scare her off, while a date called as a hangout may cause misunderstanding. I want to understand the difference between them and say the right thing.

  1. You do not need to know what the difference between hanging out and a date is. What you need to do, my friend, is to just ask her out and specify that it is a date – NOT hanging out. Be crystal clear with your intentions. This is bold and avoids confusion. Image that she says yes thinking that it is hanging out but it is a date in reality. That is uncomfortable.

  2. I don’t think it matters. Dates & hangouts can both lead to relationships/kissing/sex. A date has the intention of growing your relationship. Hanging out is letting whatever happens, happen.

  3. A date has the acknowledged possibly of leading to a romantic relationship or strengthening an already established romantic relationship.

  4. I never announce that a date is a “date” lol. I feel like that makes it too serious. I just say “hey let’s go (insert activity) together at (insert time/location)” and try to escalate once we’re hanging out. With most things in life its only as awkward as you make it. If you make a move and she rejects you just laugh it off and say something like “my bad, i got caught up in the moment” and pretend it never happened. As long as your making little incremental moves like following the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder you should be fine.

  5. I dont think you need to call her on a date, if its not in ur culture to specify this. I dont know how US is, but you are not american.

    In my country nobody calls someone to go on a date, but if a guy calls a girl to go to a bar, or to the movies alone, and they are not super friends before, it is in the subtext, that this is a date.

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