Is it a simp move to tell a girl who is asking why she hasn’t heard from you in a while (after you hold off to see if she initiates communication) that you got the impression that she wasn’t interested and didn’t bother reaching out again? Or would you give an excuse like you were busy or something?

  1. Just say the free trial has ended and you’re looking for things in return.

  2. I’d say something like “Honestly… I didn’t think you were interested. I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you again, but I didn’t want to be pushy.”

  3. I’d straight up tell her, I don’t chase. I pursue women not chase. I only pursue when a woman is giving me something worth pursuing.

  4. If it were me, I’d just straight up tell her you thought she wasn’t interested so it felt like a waste of time

  5. Are you interested? If so just reply with ‘Hey sorry been busy, thanks for messaging.’ (if not just say so I guess, don’t leave people in the dark imo)

    After that anything goes ‘i actually really enjoyed talking the last time, wanna go for coffee’ or leave the part where you take the initiative and let her continue the conversation.

    I understand chasing is tiring and feels weird but if you’re interested and feel like she is as well, why not take some initiative.

  6. Tell her the truth. I felt like you weren’t interested, because you never texted me, I figured if you wanted to talk to me you had my number.

  7. Depends on how close I am to her. With the examples I have in mind, one girl I could be more straightforward because we are close enough to know each other’s good and bad, and other one this approach would look like an attack.

  8. If you were waiting to see if she initiates the conversation and she doesn’t, I’d say something like “oh hey, you do know how to start a conversation” lol or something less assholish like “you never reached out so I assumed you weren’t interested” it gets tiring always being the one who starts the conversation. If she feels confused as to why you aren’t messaging her when she never messages you first, she either isn’t that interested and is mad that she isn’t getting the validation or she’s just not very good at conversations lol

  9. Just be honest. If someone says they’re too busy or acts disinterested, I’m going to move on real fast.

  10. Tell her that you’re sorry, you have been selfish and have been taking some time for yourself.

    Doesnt need an explanation, yet gives you a sense of confidence and self-assuredness, while at the same time imprinting a slight sense of insecurity in her that you have better things to do.

    Psychology 🤐

  11. If I’m not contacting a girl, I either don’t like her, or I do like her and I’m just busy.

  12. Tell her you were busy. Trust me, getting emotional and explanatory is wack, plus it wont change a damn thing.

  13. It’s more I don’t have anything to talk about and I don’t wanna text you and have nothing to say. I don’t have a life of a reality tv like some female friends I have

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