Been talking and hanging out with this girl (29f) for the past year or so. Told her I had feelings for her. I'm 41M, met at a weekly group. She broke up with her boyfriend of 8 years beginning of April. She's come over to my place multiple times, uses the phrase "I'm down for whatever." She is flirty and body language tells me she's interested but I never made a move (mainly due to the relationship, even though I knew she was unhappy in it.) A few weeks ago we went for a ride on my motorcycle, and planned to again this past Saturday. She texted me Friday saying she "started seeing someone else (not her ex). Do I still want to hang out?" It's someone she met before she met me who I imagine she had a thing for. I over reacted, she said she needed time after her break up, knew I had feelings for her, blah blah. I didn't see her or talk to her, but wondering what she might be implying by asking if I wanted to keep our plans to hang out? I'm not planning to pursue her, just wondering if it sounds like she's open to casual as it doesn't seem like she's looking for a relationship.

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