Everyone i talk too, they have this uptight..sort of worried look on there face..they don’t talk as freely and relaxed as they do with other people than me..but i think i’m realizing..i’m very uptight, and anxious so are they just mirroring my energy? i’ve always wondered why most people can’t be open like they are with other people than i realize it might be because of MY energy?

  1. If you are low energy and come across like you aren’t interested or don’t want to be bothered (even if that is the wrong perception) – people will pickup on that, and may avoid you.

  2. Uhhh, probably.

    There is literally no way to give you an answer rooted in any sort of reliable foundation

  3. Actually I go through the same thing. My friends tend to be way more serious and don’t make that much jokes when they’re around me, compared to when they’re with someone else. I’m trying to understand what’s going on as well, but I think that it’s really because of my personality. I like to have deeper connections with people, most of them aren’t willing to do this, people just want to hang out and have fun in the end. I mean, me too, but I think that the fact that I don’t care about much stuff that people usually care about, it starts to happen.

  4. I work at a supermarket and most women my age avoid me or avoid eye contact or just always look glum around me.

    But are super friendly to everyone else. So it’s easy to assume they dislike me for no real reason.

    Then one day a co-worker will tell me a joke and a big grin will sweep across my face. And sometimes random girls from work are caught in the crosshairs of this smile.

    And this smile is so powerful that even the coldest girls start grinning from ear to ear back at me. As if they think I am smiling at them or for them.

    And it throw me off.

    So yeah, people probably do mirror us for better or worse.

  5. It’s quite possible. In German we have a saying: „Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es zurück.“ (In the same way as you shout into the forest, the echo will come back.) It refers to how we deal with people.

    And my experience with being high energy and always smiling at people is that others smile at me the moment they see me (not everyone, but many. Some people have their own worries preventing them from smiling.)

  6. I know what you mean. For me it’s things like body language and facial expressions not coming naturally to me, as well as overthinking in conversation. I’ve been told that I’m hard to read/people can’t tell what I’m thinking when they’re with me. It sucks because I love all my friends so much and I love when they be themselves around me, and me not knowing how to act screws everything up.

    I often find myself seeing how other people are with each other and I’m like “How did they know to act like that? How did they know to say that, etc…” Even the most basic things. Like you know how friends will just spontaneously take pictures together and goof off and have a great time? I’m literally sitting there for half the hangout trying to figure out how to ask them if they want to do that. And it ends up being an awkward and nervous sounding “heyyy…. do you want to take a picture together over here?” That’s just one example but hopefully you know what I mean.

    It’s hard to explain but basically things that others just naturally do, I have to sit there and overthink the heck out of.

  7. Yes people tend to match energy and tip toe a lot, people need yo feel comfortable around you. I don’t really have this problem because of my personality with other people but I feel it when talking to more reserved people since I don’t know why they are. Could be someone depressed and hot able to handle high energy, could also be high and in their head, could be a quite angry person waiting for some trigger word of topic to go off at me for in a casual conversation, or could just be a quite person that warms up eventually. Sometimes it comes off as being uninterested or even annoyed with me even in cases I’m told it’s not the case.

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