So I’m not close to her and we’ve only talked one time, yesterday at class. We got into the same group during class and that was my first time interacting with her. Then I approached her at the end of the class and I asked her about something from the school and the. asked her if she was going to a film shooting they invited us all tomorrow. She couldn’t say and we had to end the conversation there, but I’ve been thinking about texting her?
Texting her if she is going tomorrow to the shooting would be creepy? I asked this because I don’t know if it’s weird or creepy or not to message her without having asked for her number, but the problem is that I can’t really ask for her number since we already share numbers in the group. I could ask for her Instagram ? But I’m not sure. And of course I’m interested in this girl and getting to know her more and talk to her more. So yeah I find her attractive and interesting

But. The question is
Should I message her at WhatsApp since we both share a WhatsApp chat group? Or it would it come across as creepy ?

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