So me and this girl met a few times 2.5 months ago, got intimate a few times. Last 2 months we have been doing long distance. Initially we used to talk 4-6 hours a day. Both of us used to call each other equally. Sometime in the last 3-4 weeks, she reduced responding a bit, but we still spoke at least 2 hours a day. I realized in her tone too that she wasn't communicating as much and I would text and call her first all the time. I didn't know what to do, whether to cool off like she did at the risk of it dying out or ask her what's up. We have discussed that we are exclusive.

Today I saw that she unmatched me on bumble so I decided to ask (I didn't tell her that i saw bumble) and she said she has been trying to hint me into this for so long. I don't give her a chance to miss me and text/call me first. I also keep saying all cute stuff when she's not in the mood or in a rush. She said my image and respect got damaged a bit by being too available. She sounded angry in a controlled and mature way. I am also the same way as her because I like communication but don't like overdoing it and also don't do a lot of cute stuff either, but I had to change myself because of some past relationships where I was asked to communicate my affections more. I told her that, apologized and said we will not text trivial stuff because even I hate that.

She did say that she still wants to talk to me and we have a trip planned in a month but I'm scared of losing her because of this stupidity. How should I proceed from here? Just continue texting at a rate she is comfortable and hope for the best or I need to do some damage control with something specific? I'm mainly asking because she unmatched me on bumble which typically means she wants to swipe again, but it might also just have been in anger.

tl;dr: girl is angry that i've been calling/texting too much. still wants to talk but should I try to fix the damage and how?

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