So yesterday she approached me in office to create her website on freelance purpose.

((Btw she is going through a separation from her spouse. I didnt ask much yesterday. But she told when she asked if I had a gf or not. So mentioned that she had a trauma because of that, and I mentioned mine to be from a girl who I was dating 5 years back.))

So we exchanged numbers. Then she called me yesterday at 8 PM and I mentioned that I was having dinner and still talking so she got surprised who eats at 8 and all. So she got curious if I was the one who would sleep by 10 PM and all. So yes I said. She got more curious and wanted to know why I am like that etc. She was wondering if I was ever and an outgoing person etc. So I mentioned I rarely go outside.

She asked when was last time I went to a restro or movie. I mentioned it was more than 5 years (true thing).

Then she mentioned that I should go out often and all. And she said that I can ask her for dinner as well. But I am wondering whether she said that in pity or what? Is she interested in me? We usually share smiles when we pass by etc. But this was the first time we were speaking.

 tl;dr : Colleague told that i can ask her out for dinner. She is going through separation from her spouse. What to do?

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