I've been single since 2019 by choice. This is when a love interest of mine died in an unlikely accident. We weren't even official yet but I was very fond of him and the random nature of his death (slipped on wet tiles while doing an everyday chore) left me traumatised and scared of close relationships. I've been working on it and started therapy last year. I now feel much more open to love and have lately been on a few mediocre dates.

I met this guy on a bus. He asked me about a book I was reading, apparently it was recommended to him by multiple people because he liked x and y books and he asked me what I thought of the author. I normally hate being approached in public places that were not designed for socialising but as a big bookworm I was intrigued and I also found him somewhat attractive. We ended up talking about books for 20min and exchanging contacts before I had to get off the bus.

A bit more than a week went by and we were messaging each other non stop and we also met for a walk and we kissed. He did not say his exact age and did not ask mine until school graduation year came up in a conversation and we realised we weren't as close in age as we thought. I assumed he was early to mid 30s as he has a nice beard and receding hairline but no prominent wrinkles yet. He doesn't dress or talk like someone in his early 20s. He assumed I was 25, 27 at most (people often assume I'm younger because I'm tiny and have a baby face).

He said it makes sense because all his friends are older. He also said he didn't care and asked if it was a problem for me. I said I didn't know. He said he thought there was something here and let's see where it goes, after all I enjoyed talking to him before I knew his age.

Other than being very young, he seems like a good guy. Has a stable job, lives alone and overall seems like a well functioning adult. We have lots in common and he's actually the first person in years I found myself attracted to. He did not seem immature at all. I really want to get to know him.

However, the cautious part of me tells me to stop talking to him before I start developing feelings. I'm not looking for casual dating and 23 is really young for a serious relationship. His whole personality and worldview might change as he's still so young.

How does this situation look from an outsider's perspective?

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