What makes a man depreciate rapidly?

  1. Not being able to hold and tolerate his alcohol intake. So many good men fail at this colossally. And worst of all, they do it in public and in front of their work mates/partners/superiors/families, etc. Even worse is when they blame their uncivil behaviour and actions on alcohol. One of the greatest things a man should learn as early as possible is how much alcohol he can take before he starts making a fool of himself.

  2. Looking like every effeminate skinny, giant glasses-wearing neckbeard like Dan Kibblesmith, creator of The New Warriors.

  3. going on a rant about how women cant be trusted or theyre not worth it and backhanded complements like ure not like rest of the girls and shit is a major downer

  4. Debilitating multi drug addiction.

    But then if you successfully beat it, you come out looking like a badass.

  5. Not having money and not having confidence, I can tell from first hand experience.

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