Hi all! 19(M) I need advice on whether or not to stop trying with this girl. For a little backstory we went to high school together and she originally had feelings and I stopped it because I was not ready for anything like that at the time. A couple of years go by and I’m in university now and during holiday we practically dated we would spend all day together and this is the time we first hooked up. After holiday I had developed deep feelings for her and this was the first time I allowed myself am to be vulnerable with someone after my ex cheated on me. Anyways, she said she didn’t see it possible since we go to different universities. So I continued to be her friend but now I had feelings. So it hurt to see someone that I now loved not with me. Over our next holidayI visited her at uni and we hooked up and everything seemed fine but I get mixed messages and hear one thing and see another so eventually I saw her post another guy so I just broke communication because it hurt too much to see the person I love be with someone else. Turns out it wasn’t anything when we talked over the next holiday and she asked me do you still like me (I haven’t say I love you yet) and I responded with yes ofc I do but I was distancing myself because it hurt me and you did nothing wrong we’re not together but I do have those feelings for you so it makes it hard for me and I thought that was the end of whatever we have here and I was trying to move on. Essentially I see two sides ti her one side that is intelligent, caring and genuine and the other side that I hate which is rude and and dishonest. I still feel I am very in love with her but I also know I should probably step away. What do y’all think?

1 comment
  1. Sounds like this would be a long distance relationship with meetings during holidays. I think this will be challenging given your age and current life styles. You are both in universities and will meet lots of people along the way. It’s going to be a challenge to commit to a long distance relationship at this stage in your lives.

    Personal opinion, cut communication now if you get hurt seeing her with other people because it’s bound to continue to happen.

    I wish you the best!

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