Well ….
If you think about it…
We are programmed by childhood , to be “educated “
With learning pretty much useless education …
We aren’t learning how to pay taxes , about socialising , psychology … business …
Accounting … human interactions …we are programmed to be dumbed …
So we can be manipulated …
Also by fear… tv… news ….
And pretty much everything we know is a lie…
Ex the Americans bombed the twin towers .. to have an excuse to invade the Middle East… the vaccine… is there to make money… to control…
To effortlessly distribed feat..
I can continue …

  1. We are educated to be good citizens and valuable members of society and follow the rules else it would be chaos.

  2. Ask you teachers and the political representative for your area, how they decided what to teach students. That way you will have a much better understanding of what’s going on.

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