After 8 months of no contact, my ex-situationship (a 10-month situationship) texted me on a dating app asking for a second chance. He kept me blocked on all other platforms but was texting me through the dating app, asking if we could meet so he could apologize. I agreed and told him when I was free, but then he ghosted me and hasn't replied in 4 days.

I feel hurt because I noticed he changed one of his photos on his dating profile recently but hasn't replied to my text with my availability. So, I unmatched him. Was it a good idea to unmatch him or should I have kept the chat to see if he would eventually respond?

(I know people will ask why I replied in the first place. I wanted to end things on a better note since it ended badly before when he blocked me everywhere after seeing my dating profile through his friend's phone. We weren't exclusive or officially dating and didn't talk regularly.)

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