This evening my boyfriend M/21 has made it aware to me that he wants space from me F/20. We have been together for nine months and today he said that for the past few months he feels socially burnt out, and that he never has any time for himself as he wakes up, goes to work, goes home and then sleeps for work again, and on the time he has off work he sees me. He says he loves time alone, and he’s very introverted and recently he has no time for himself or anything he likes and as a result of this he feels burnt out and bad in himself. I completely get where he is coming from, and i love him dearly and want him to feel great in himself. Because of him working 4 days a week, and us living 45 minutes away from each other, cutting down the days we see each other would mean we only see each other once in the week. I have agreed to try this because I love him and want him feeling himself but, in honesty, I don’t think I can be in a relationship where we see each other once in a week. I’m the opposite of him, and love being around him and spending my time with him and for me, i feel like I need more and he knows this as he said he was worried about how it would be for me. For context, we love each other so much, and get along so well and have similar views and values etc. This has in honesty really upset me just because It will be hard for me and I don’t know if I can do it.

What is your view on this and what would you do if you were me?

TL;DR : My boyfriend needs to see me less but I don’t think I can do it or want it in my relationship. What should I do?

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