Hey everyone , I really need some help right now. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years and we recently broke it off. I’ve been anticipating the breakup and I’m not one to dwell so I’ve moved on relatively quick.
In saying that, I’m seeing a new guy. For context we used to go to school together. The dilemma is that my best friend really does not like him (she cannot tell me why either). This guy and my other very close friend had a moment last year however she has explicitly told me it did not mean anything to her and it was exactly that, just a moment. This other friend that doesn’t like him thinks it’s weird I would associate myself with this guy because of what briefly happened between this guy and my friend and has been making me feel terrible because we went on a few dates.
We are beginning to date and he genuinely adds to my life and creates so much happiness in it. We’ve been attached at the hip for the past week and I’m beyond afraid to tell my friends. I feel beyond guilty and I’m not sure if this is justified?? I’m terrified of hurting other peoples feelings and I don’t want to disappoint my friends despite them not always having my best interests.
I genuinely need to know is there something wrong with what I’m doing, as silly as it sounds being with him feels so so right but does my friend have a right to be upset with me or am I being a bit too over accommodating for other peoples feelings?

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