My gf and I have known each other for some time and started dating 2 months ago. I started getting frustrated when I started noticing that she would talk about my friends (all M) very excitingly when she was with her friends disregarding whether I was there or not. She would express clearly how she found those guys attractive and wanted to know what it would be like to sleep with them. I trust her enough to not make the move of trying to cheat on me with my friends. However, I feel very disrespected whenever she says those things in front of me. I had tried to rationalize it for a long time, telling myself it was all jokes for her until one day, it became too much for me and I was really mad at her for a week. I value communication in the relationship but I didn’t know how to explain my concerns to her given the situation. I didn’t want to seem jealous or “pathetically insecure”. When I did muster up the courage to talk to her, she apologized but it seemed angry that I kinda ignored her during that week. Since then, everything has been going well again other than she often brings it up that I ignored her (I never provoke her back). She had to go to a different city with her friends this weekend and I stayed back. Today she came back and when she was trying to show me something on her phone, I saw that she had looked up the social media profiles of the friends she was fantasizing about. I am quite lost now. What do you think I should do? Is it good enough reason to end the relationship?

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