What is the moment you felt you were in a romantic movie or book?

  1. When I met my ex, the one who got away, it was love at first sight. He was the most amazing, kindest person.
    One morning after we’ve been together for a while, I was brushing my very long hair in front of the window, I was kinda in my head, thinking about my plans for the day, when I noticed him watching me. I smiled at him and he said with such a loving facial expression:” You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I love you. You’re my dream girl”.
    At that moment, I felt so much in love, I couldn’t believe someone like me would ever find myself in a moment like this 🙂

  2. So I was standing on a platform, in a city many kilometers aways from the place I live, waiting for a train and then I heard a familiar voice. So I turned my head and saw a man I had feeling for in the past. We haven’t seen each other in a year and we were both far away our hometowns. I called his name and he seemed as surprised as I was. We then talked the whole train ride.

  3. This girl I had known for two months and was only friends with benefits with took me on a weekend getaway to the coast of Northern California.

    We spent our whole time giggling at each other, talking about our lives, learning about each other, walking on the beach or through the Red Woods… In the evening we got couples massages ; at dinner I gave her an early Christmas present since she had surprised me a week prior with a little gift ; at night we had sex in the jacuzzi in our room. We laid on the bed talking late into the night, and on the drive back the next day we stopped many times to look at sunset.

    We were a casual thing, we said there would be no romantic feeling involved. Complete fools, I would find it too cliché if I were to read it in a romance book.

    We have now been in a relationship for 5 years and that weekend is still in the top 3 most romantic things we’ve done lol

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