Last year, during Fall, I met two men, both friends. I found them very sweet and friendly. I didn’t think anything much of them. The friendship grew and certain interest developed but I was not sure which one I liked more. After a few months they hosted a party at their house (they are also roommies). I got so drunk, one of them (man A) offered his room, he later joined me later that night. He made moves, but I insisted I had to be sober for anything to happen. The next day he visited me at my place and we talked of our interest and stuff and agreed to take it slow. He later came the next day and one thing led to another, we did it. I traveled to another country for a month then came back. We kept talking the whole time and most of our conversation was how we’d hang out and couldn’t wait to explore places together.
I returned during the peak of Winter so there was really nothing much to do outside. We mostly hand indoors. We one day hang out the three of us during the winter and I realized me and the other guy(man B) had so much in common and we had the same sense of humor. Man B also mentioned that he has a girlfriend. Later that night I suggested to Man A to ask his friend if he would be open to a double date. He said he’d ask. He never did.

Winter passed and it got warmer, the guy I chose never took me out on a date. I had to insist we hang outside his apartment/my apartment. He once agreed to take me to a park near his place, he kept complaining the whole time, we spent less than 1 hour in the park. There was once I went to the movies by myself, he never picked his phone that time. Earlier this month I asked him twice if he was okay to go grab ice-cream(my treat), he agreed and stood me up both times. I called him told him how much that hurt and how we never leave the apartment. I stopped hanging out at his place for about a week he called me and took me to a restaurant near his place, btw he was insisting we get take out and eat at his place.
Man B and his girlfriend achieved something this month, I’m fond of the girl. I suggested to her that we could take them out to celebrate, she asked her man and said yes. I told my guy and he said that’s fine but didn’t ask any details or suggest any places. So I took matters to my own hands and planned everything. I chose a place I have always wanted/suggested to try when with him.
We had dinner and it all was well.
We all had fun, they loved the place. My man claimed he had never heard of the place. During the dinner, it all hit me that man A takes me for granted, he’d talk to everyone very calmly and politely apart from me. He never behaves like a gentleman, Man B would treat me and his girlfriend with so much respect(he’s such a gentleman).
Afterwards we all hang out at their apartment, everything was fun. After some minutes my man left the room without excusing himself and went to sleep in his room. He later called me after midnight and asking me if I had got back to my place safely. Told him I had not left but I was about to leave, I went to his room to bade him goodbye and pay him back for half of the bill for the diner earlier(as we had agreed). He thanked me for choosing such a wonderful place for diner then he asked me if I could spend the night being all touchy and romantic. I told him I want a break up. He never said anything. He’s been calling me asking about my day and inviting me at his place.

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