Title basically

I've never been able to bend it too far forward, and it's been like this my whole life so I think it's just how I'm built. I also have a pretty noticeable curve, which, similarly, I have no reason to think is not natural as I've had it my whole life. I don't see how it could be peyronies, which is the only thing I could think of as a possible cause. Erections aren't uncomfortable whatsoever.

I just can't get my penis to comfortably go farther than about 90 degrees. There's a bunch of positions my partner and i would like to try (amazon position and the like) that seem straight up unachievable given my body being the way it is. Is this normal, or is something wrong? I doubt this would play into it, but I did have undescended testicles, which I got surgery for as a baby.

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