Things haven’t been adding up lately literally. So hubby got a new phone around Christmas the year before and forgot to turn the location off. Basically I got to watch him go places without me and our four kids for about three months before I couldn’t keep my mouth shut anymore. He ended up ending the lease and promising to live at home only. I know I’m an idiot already for that.
I usually take care of the financials with budgets and bills. I used to work in a bank until childcare became too expensive and I became a stay at home mom. So the past year it’s been eating at me. Like how did he pull this off without me noticing. We are joint on all our accounts. So I sent him a 5,00 e-transfer to his email address. It was set to auto deposit. It didn’t show up in any of our accounts so I knew he had another account. I had asked him twice since I found out about the lease if he had another account. He said no.
So I texted him asking him about it and he called me back! He only does this when he’s doing shady stuff so there’s no proof. He basically tried to gaslight me but I wasn’t having it today.
It’s really not about the bank account. After the whole townhouse incident we were supposed to be starting over. I was supposed to be able to trust him, no more lies. He financially does well and has worked hard to get to where he is. I don’t care what he spends his money on. I don’t like being lied to and he promised not to. That’s the issue. He could have just said he had another account and I would have been chill. But now we are supposed to be in a good place trust wise so we are closing on a house in one month, should I finally take a hint and leave? Or is this ok behaviour since I’m a sahm and it’s his money anyways?

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