I’m about to turn 33 in august. I spent my 20s partying and struggling with addiction. But i feel like the upswing of my peak is going to start.

One good thing is even all through my 20’s i always exercised. But i now finally have a great diet, and more mental fortitude. I feel more comfortable with who i am. I also feel like i will hit a new physical peak. I feel better than i did at 18.

I’m still single and don’t have a house yet. But i have a decent job and started saving money. I’m so excited because i haven’t gotten to see a fraction of my potential yet, while a lot of my friends hit it earlier.

I’ve had dreams of becoming the person i want to be for so long and i can’t wait. I feel like i’m finally starting to figure this life thing out. I want to cry, and i’m never a cryer.

I’m hoping my peak is from 35-45. I know i’ll meet an amazing girl soon. Just so excited for what life will bring.

  1. I hope to peak in different areas again and again till i die and i would be sad to assume its all just downhill from like 40 or what.

  2. I got married and had kids as a senior in high school. I am now 42, my youngest is finishing college this year, and I’m getting a divorce and selling the house. Kinda feels like life is starting all over again.

  3. So you fucked around and now you’re excited to reap the benefits of fucking off for your 20s? Congrats??? Got a rich family I am guessing

  4. I can’t tell if I’m a late bloomer or just running out of time.

    But it feels I’m in a place where I thought I’d be around 24 rather than 34.

  5. 42, started a new career at 37. Making good money at a good company, doing something I really enjoy on a day to day basis. Still working on my mental and physical health, work in progress.

    Used to drink almost daily, now I’m lucky to have a drink once a month. Used to smoke weed every day, now it’s about once a month. Both coincide with social gatherings. Used to find reasons and excuses to not travel, now I’m traveling as much as I can.

    Slowly but surely I’m reaching my peak.

  6. No peak, because I’d like to think that life is like rowing a boat in the middle of an unknown body of water. Some people might join in and then they will leave, but I’m not in a competition with anyone in any way. Just never ending exploration and wonder. And I will be my own best friend in the process.

  7. yeh, i started my career at 29, I should be in a senior position by 39-40, which will bring me in the six figures, can’t wait, lol.

  8. Actually, you’re not a late bloomer. The people who manage to get it all in their 20s are rare.

  9. Peak happens much later than you think. You’re probably still climbing by 45.

  10. Two places you should spend very little time, in the past and in the future. Make the most of today and let the rest sort itself out.

  11. I’m 43 and life is as good as it’s been. I started my current career at 33 and now I have a job that pays incredibly well (although is sometimes stressful and frustrating), my diet is going well with a little help from ozembic and I’m at the lowest weight I’ve been in over a decade, and life in general is pretty good.

    I can’t say that for everyone their 40s is their peak, but my 40s are looking real damn good.

  12. Everyone I’ve ever met who thinks they “haven’t hit their peak” yet is waiting for some magical Disney princess transformation that’s never going to come. They’re always 5-10 years away from “making it” despite not changing anything they do or putting the work in. The people who haven’t hit their peak yet are actively working on getting better every single day.

  13. For sure. 38 going on 22.

    After uni it was the wrong carer and the wrong girl, wrong career again, then the right career and the right girl but we got caught on different sides of the planet and everything fell apart over covid.

    I bought one of the cheapest houses in one of the dodgiest towns in the country in January. 2KM from the house I lived and effectively owned when I went to uni, but sold for a song to go travelling.

    I’m exactly where I was when I was 22. Except exceptionally heartbroken, zero tolerance for people that hurt other people intentionally and much more unfit.

    I wake up every morning and after a few seconds when the brain kicks in and I realise where I am and who I am I what’s happened I want to crack life in the ****ing face several times.

    Peter Dinklage’s words from [this speech](https://youtu.be/k9PpVEPlGVo) run through my head, *you’re not starting again with nothing, you’re starting again with experience*.

    I jump on the rower and row until I’m not so irate anymore.

    One day I won’t have to do that. One way, or the other.

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