My bf and I have been dating for a few months.

We went to the supermarket 3 days ago to get some groceries. I forgot to bring a bag from home so I decided to get a bag from the store. He was planning on staying the night at mine and I got a few groceries that I was gonna cook with for dinner because he doesn't cook and some other stuff for me. We get to the checkout and I end up forgetting to pay for the plastic bag.

My bf got mad at me and made me carry the bag through the town. We end up going into a clothing store and I kindly ask him if he could hold the bag while I try something on and he responded with, "I don't carry bags for thieves" and told me to put the bag down and go try the clothes on. I did that and when we got to the queue for the checkout I was looking at the accessories they sell by the queue. My bf then turns to me and asks, "Are you gonna steal that too? Because you like stealing things coz you're a thief". He was loud when he said this, enough for other people to hear (the store was really busy and I used to work there as well). I felt so humiliated. I quickly payed for my stuff and rushed home.

I was wearing new shoes that day and got blisters on my feet that were very sore and were bleeding. The bag was quite heavy and that didn't help either.

When we got home, he asked me, "Have you learned your lesson yet? Are you gonna pay for the bag next time?"

I was extremely upset by the whole situation so I brought it up to him today and how I felt really belittled and humiliated. His response was that he didn't care about the bag and if he really cared about the bag he would have reported me to the security of the store. He said it was the principle of not taking something that's not yours. I understand where he's coming from and he did apologise for making fun of me in the clothing store.

I tried to express why it made me upset yesterday but he kept bringing up the bag and he said he'd make me carry it again if I didn't pay for it. The bag was 30p. I felt like he wasn't listening to me and he said that I wasn't understanding the real problem. He ended up getting frustrated and walking home at 3am because he thought it was for the best and we both needed some space.

In all honesty I think this is silly and I don't know if I should break up with him because of how this all turned out.

Any advice?

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