My coworker (m29), we’ll call him Sam, was employed for 10 years at our work. I’ve been friends with him for a few years, and I know he’s not a monster, but I know he’s a dog.

The girl that was harassed by Sam, we’ll call her Dora (f24?).
Sam and Dora were working a shift together one morning. Sam snuck up on Dora when she didn’t expect him, placed his hand over her mouth, and kissed that hand.
Dora pushed him off and began sobbing, and immediately reported it to our manager. From that point, Sam and Dora stopped working shifts together. 2.5 months later, Sam is fired.

Sam is very beloved at our store. He was there for 10 years so regulars always ask about him, all our coworkers adore him. Always a hit with the ladies. Just a very charming person all around.

And I will admit, I’ve been in that pool of admirers he has. I never tried anything though because I’ve known he’s capable of hurting others. He’s admitted to me that he has cheated on partners long ago. And I grew up with my parents cheating on each other so there’s that too, I know Sam isn’t one to be trusted with a fragile heart.

So when I found out about him doing THAT to Dora, automatically yes I believe Dora 100%. I’m not very close with Dora, but I like her. We always have pleasant interactions with each other and she’s such a sweet soul. I was so heartbroken for Dora. I know she was hurt that Sam not only tried that on her, but he violated their trust and ruined their friendship. I haven’t spoken to Dora at all about this. She knows I know, but I don’t think Sam knows I know. But I’m wondering, does Sam’s girlfriend know? Sam’s girlfriend, who they just got an apartment with this month. I don’t think so.

I’ve talked with one of my best friends about this, and she was very big on “tell the girlfriend”. I’m still debating if I should still be friends with Sam or not. I don’t think I should tell the girlfriend because that is on Sam. He’s going to have to live with that guilt, those lies, and that shame and wake up every morning and see his beautiful girlfriends face and continue his BS until it inevitably blows up in his face. At least I hope that’s what will happen.

And if I’m thinking that kind of stuff, do I still call myself his friend? Do I tell the girlfriend? Or mind my own business..

Anyways thanks for reading. I’ll post again if there’s any significant updates.

TL;DR : my coworker got fired for sexual harassment and I don’t think his girlfriend knows

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