I (58F) and my daughter (32F) have always gotten along well. She's a vibrant, eccentric, angel of a woman. Heart of gold and looks somewhere between a vampire and a librarian lol, but a beautiful vampire librarian!

She got into tattoos and piercings fairly young, and when she was under 18 I had bought her first piercings (nose, extra earrings, lip etc) and her first tattoo, just something small and cute. Since then she has taken out most of the facial piercings (kept the nose ring, and honestly it looks great), but has gotten a lot more tattoos, full arms, most of her legs, tummy, back etc. They all look lovely, some I even picked, which is neat!

Anyway, when she started getting them (under 18) my only regulations was no tattoos that could not be covered by a shirt and pants (hands, face etc) and no eyebrow piercings, that one doesn't even have a reason, I just really don't like them lol. As she's gotten older we have a running joke that the "rules" are still there, and she often jokes that whenever I pass the first thing she'll do is get my face tattooed on her hand lol.

Ive talked to her about this and said that even though I obviously cannot tell her what to do, I would be disappointed if she got anything we had originally agreed not to get, and she has said that because I was "so cool" about her doing all this stuff and so encouraging of her eccentricities when she was younger, that she'd never do anything I didn't approve of if I was alive.

My friend overheard most of this conversation and said that I was unreasonable, especially about the eyebrow piercing, am I? My daughter doesn't seem to mind and I've always tried to be accepting of her? Should I pretend I wouldn't be disappointed and tell my daughter that I was joking?

ETA: I no longer tell her she can't, she just knows I'd be disappointed, and she said she wouldn't do anything to disappoint me, which is why I'm not sure if I should pretend I wouldn't be disappointed. I wouldn't be disappointed in her, just the piercing/ tattoo

Tldr: daughter is eccentric, not sure if I am too strict

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