Hi Guys, I love my boyfriend and we are looking to get married one of these days so its very serious relationship. However as of lately I have found myself feeling a little uncomfortable with my appearance and its affecting how I feel about myself.

I usually do lash extensions and I'd do my acrylic French tip nails, I like to wear makeup on a daily, wear hair extensions and wear fitted clothing which is flattering to me. Before we started dating he would comment on my eyelashes and tell me to keep them up and that they really enhance my eyes. He would also comment on my nails and say he likes the color of them. All of these things help me feel 'done up' and presentable and I have fun expressing myself and just feeling girly more feminine with these things.

Firstly the makeup: As time has been going by (we have been dating for just over 6 months now) I've had less time to do these girly maintenance things like my lash and nails as I am usually with him. I have also noticed I have just stopped doing my makeup as he claims I look better without it and he thinks I'm more beautiful without, he said he doesn't like makeup and we go back and forth over this. I personally love makeup as I see it as self expression and a creative outlet as well as helping me look the best I can, It boosts my confidence. Ever since being in the relationship and being discouraged to wear it I have felt more and more like I take less pride in my appearance and I feel like I'm not being myself as I have always been the girl to be dolled up, I also don't feel as attractive even though he says he prefers me like this.

Secondly the clothing: He has a major issue with a whole lot of different clothing styles. Before dating him I would go to day parties with my friends and we'd dress very Instagram inspired styled clothing. I stopped going to these parties so of course there's no need for me to wear party picture clothing anymore. But we are always going back and forth about what he deems to be revealing clothing. I am a slimmer tall lady 5'8, size 8-10, far from voluptuous, I haven't got a big ass and I have a very small bust, I haven't got crazy boobs, so I feel as though If I am wearing form fitted clothing it wont appear offensive to him. However he has a major issue if I want to wear tight clothes, has an issue with lower cut tops, thigh slits in skirts, mini skirts, bustier tops a whole lot and some of these things I don't even feel comfortable wearing myself not judging. If I wear loose clothes it would make me feel boyish and not feminine as I am not his curvy archetype of a feminine lady who has big ass and boobs with no waist.

When talking about what he preferred in terms of how I present myself he said this:

  • Instead of lash extensions wear mascara

  • Instead of wearing makeup daily only reserve it on special occasions

  • Instead of having acrylic nails extensions paint my natural nails

  • Change the way I dress but he's never explicitly specific about what he wants me to wear

    We have been arguing about this lately as when I ask him how the makeup, hair and clothing affects him directly, he just states if I am a serious woman then I won't be going back and forth with him. He's almost making this a deal breaker and I haven't been feeling beautiful with this new plain way I have been presenting myself. Its a hard situation because I love him dearly. When he asks me how I want to present myself in this relationship I tell him exactly as I was when he first asked me out.

What are your opinions on this? Its making it seem I am having to make myself look as unattractive as possible… lol please help and thank you in advance.

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