my fiancé farts constantly and it’s starting to piss me off

please tell me if i’m out of line for asking this. me (22F) and my fiancé (23M) have been together for just over 4 years now and we got engaged in february. we’re getting married next year.

don’t get me wrong, i understand that everyone farts and shits. it’s completely normal, and it’s also normal for your farts and shits to smell bad. but it’s usually not ALL THE TIME, right?

when my fiancé farts, it’s unlike anything i’ve ever heard or smelled before. they’re like these long, loud 10 second semi truck engine backfires and good lord the smell is enough to churn your stomach. think of if you found 10 rotten eggs in the back of your fridge, put them outside in 90 degree weather for a week, tossed it in the dumpster behind a seafood restaurant, waited another week, then smelled the dumpster. they’re absolutely nauseating.

but the thing that pisses me off is that he KNOWS he has digestive issues and continues to eat nothing but barbecue chicken wings or fried chicken. that’s literally it.

another thing that pisses me off is that he will do it at the worst times and places. a busy aisle at target. in the closed car. in bed, and then he will flip the sheet up to smell it and then i’m stuck smelling it too. he knows how much it annoys me but he doesn’t put any effort into holding them until we get to a better location, and he doesn’t change his diet at all.

again, am i out of line for feeling this way? this was just a vent obviously i’m not going to leave him.

TLDR: my fiancé farts all the time and he knows it pisses me off but he doesn’t do anything to change his diet/lifestyle.

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