Well, I'm currently studying architecture, so most of my homework is in pairs, which is kinda good for me since i can meet new friends, (as an introvert), but this time, the girl asked me to work as her pair (havent talked with her since that moment), we spend a lot of time working together, we share dinner (at her house, because of overnight work), we talk about our day, hobbies, stuff like that, eventually I ended up having a crush on her after 1½ month of knowing her, everything was perfect for me, but, the thing is that she recently (may 1st) met another guy and she talks a lot with him (social media), she seems pretty happy when she talks with him, i know the guy she talks with, he's not a bad guy, she seems to like him, because, when we work togheter she still talks with him via chat, another thing i noticed is that comparing how fast she answer his messages to mine, she usually takes 2 hours or more to answer me, but it takes like 10mins or less when its him, idk what to do, as an introvert its harsh for me, im building up confidence to invite her over, so im not sure if doing so will contribute to make a relationship with her (considering the other dude), i havent had a gf since early elementary school, so im not sure abt what to do, maybe i'm going crazy and creating insecurities that don't exist. I 'm kinda new in love so it's hard for me, what should I do? any advice is aprecciated <3.

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