To keep it short and simple, like the title says, my husband doesn’t like physical affection or attention. Am I wrong for that upsetting me?

Before we got married, we would cuddle a lot, have sex at least once a week, dates once a week or every other week, it was nice. This went on for a long time, and then once we got married it’s like a switch flipped. We go months without having sex, dates are now getting dinner out in town (if I beg), and cuddling is a chore. Even moving in together didn’t solve a thing, which I thought privacy to ourselves would help us.

Whether it be watching a movie or sleeping, he doesn’t want to even have an arm around me. He’ll tell me he loves me, and that I’m pretty, but I don’t understand why the lack of touch. In the past year and a half I can count on less than two hands how many times we’ve had sex. And we’re in our mid 20s.

I know it’s not cheating, he quite literally talks to no one but me and his coworkers, doesn’t leave the house, and plays games all day. Which I have no issue with, personally.

When I ask for a hug, he says “was that enough, did you get the hug out of the way?” And yes, I have to ask for hugs and a kiss. If I do it unsolicited he gets upset and feels his personal space has been violated. Which upsets me a lot because I want to feel wanted, and pretty in his eyes. I can’t even dress sexy without him looking concerned as to why I’m dressed “inappropriately.”

Am I wrong for feeling so down about the differences in our love language? It seems like he makes it out to be he can live without me, make his own food, do what he wants, it’s like we’re roommates. I told him we’re basically roommates and he disagrees. I’m not sure what to do and I just want to vent it out.

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