My husband ‘44m’ thinks because he pays the our main bills I should deal with his shitty behavior. His cheated in past. I thought we moving forwarded I talk to him about my concerns he just stays silent and ask if I’m annoying to him. He says you argue with me everyday. Every time I genuinely start up conversation, I get beyond frustrated it’s goes nowhere w/ me yelling cause everything remains the same.

I’ve asked even for open relationship I’m lonely (not really) in the marriage. Sex really feels like chore or it’s just not there cause I’m not desperate to have sex with him cause he won’t make effort. He also won’t take medication prescribed to him, he seems depressed off and on. I didn’t notice this when first met but over the years I see he has an addiction to attention of woman, and depression. Now his gambling. Ugh.

I want to have fun, live life. I feel delayed by him cause his emerged in his phone, watching sports, gym. It’s zero effort on his part but “ he pays the bills” does that give a right to do whatever he wants ? Ignore me. I literally do everything at home, take care him, our children, cook, clean, and now I even work help with 2 bills. He is still Ahole. I mentioned divorce, I t hink more worried having to pay me money.

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