Can you describe what your first heartbreak was like?

  1. Horrible!!! But they still are.. I get belly aches from the stress, can’t eat, can’t do anything, just overthink.

  2. Lost an unhealthy amount of weight due to having no appetite, anxiety when my phone would ding thinking it was another girl contacting me about my ex (I still have this anxiety), extreme low self esteem after finally building it up after highschool, not wanting to go on social media because 1. Seeing people in *seemingly* loving relationships and 2. Seeing people talk about their own heartbreak and relating too much to it to the point I’d cry on spot, and a lot of unhealthy generalizations about men in general even though it was my first real experience with one

  3. When the person you entrusted your pain, did the exact same thing that hurt you before. It feels like the heart is ripping open, the kind that you’d clutch your chest as you cry because it’s physically painful too. You’d feel that lump in your throat, it’s suffocating. And sometimes, it’s like struggling to hold it in, those silent tears at night, when you’re lying down and they just keep streaming down your face and your pillow is tear-streaked the next day. It’s soul crushing.

  4. I was 17 and dating this girl long distance. I don’t remember why we broke up, but man, I was depressed for months.

    I just remember I didn’t leave my room for months and I’d cry all the time.

    It seemed so real at the time, but lol now I can’t even remember any of the relationship or how and why it ended. It’s just a blur now and I don’t miss her at all.

  5. Mentally I knew it was good that it was over but emotionally I craved his opinion in everything. My friends even told me I can decide on my own right now and that I didn’t need his opinion. They couldn’t stand his domineering attitude but I couldn’t see it at the time. I craved his touch, his voice. I felt hollow and lost but also like a burden was lifted. It was like breaking away from an addiction. There was a lot of pain. I cried a lot about a “lost” future together and I cried about my “lost” future plans. Now I needed to think how I would shape my life without him. I also cried about the “wasted” times although of course I learned a lot from this relationship. I only realized after the relationship how much I held back, how often he disrespected me. I also got angry and needed time to see my pain and heal my pain. I resented him for a long time afterwards. The relationship dynamic was quite toxic. Now years later I can also see my mistakes in the relationship.

  6. Lost loads of weight. Genuinely couldn’t see how I’d ever be happy again. I was only 17 but had been together since we were 14 so I was absolutely heartbroken

  7. Honestly my heart actually felt like it had broken. I thought i was having a heart attack. Physical pain in my chest as tears burst through my eyes. I have never experienced pain like that after so i still think my heart had broken. And now im just stronger because you could never do that to me again.

  8. It was the deepest agonizing emotional pain. Unable to think or focus on anything else. Wishing it was a bad dream. Everytime the phone ding’d , I’d be wishing it was him. Crying very frequently.

    The worst part was thinking it was never going to get better. But it did, and it always does. Every heartbreak feels just as bad as the first, you just learn how to deal with them a little better each time .

  9. Physical heart ache, my brain even felt like it burned because I was so upset. Lots of crying for no reason at all. Lost weight because I couldn’t eat. I didn’t sleep for weeks. No focus, or self esteem. I felt hollow inside, like I’d lost a huge chunk of myself. Sometimes the sorrow was replaced with waves of anger.

  10. I was depressed and stayed home for about a week. Lost my appetite. Was sad for a long time. I thought that was the man that I was supposed to marry. It took 2 years to be able to date again. Now that I look back I can see that it was for the best. Painful lesson learned.

  11. I thought I’d had my first heartbreak but it’s nothing compared to what I’ve been through this year.

    Finding myself crying often especially when something reminded me of him/of our time together, didn’t want to eat, sleep issues, forcing myself not to reach out to him even though I had so many questions, overthinking and reliving moments and conversations, agonising over what he was doing, wondering why I wasn’t enough or why he couldn’t love me back, wondering how things would have worked out if I didn’t end it, wondering why I didn’t end things earlier, wondering why he thought it was ok to lie…all that crap. First quarter of my year was not a good time.

  12. I lost 20lbs in 2 weeks because I couldn’t eat. I would wake up during the night and just cry. It felt like I could never trust another soul again. Physically, it felt like my chest had been ripped out of me. I was afraid of anyone and anything because if anything else hurt me (emotionally or physically), even just stubbing my toe, I genuinely felt it would kill me. I couldn’t take any more pain.

    It felt like it would never go away. I lost two years of living life. But one day came where I didn’t think about him. And then that would become longer. Then I didn’t cry when I would think of him, and slowly days came where I felt ok again. I could finally breathe.

  13. Didn’t know i had that much tears in me. I was crying buckets! It was kinda my fault for expecting it to blossom into something else (unrequited), it was kinda on me for having the thoughts I could make him better lol. But it was v v painful, like your heart being ripped out. But lesson learnt, don’t go near those who’s still in love with their unrequited love.

  14. It was like something inside of me died and the person I loved and trusted most in the world killed that part of me.

    I spiralled. I went from inconsolable crying and physical pain to a unbearable numbness that made me like a zombie.

    I lost a lot of weight because I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldn’t look after myself. Worse still is that he kept in contact with me, making sure I was looking after myself or checking in on me. This was incredibly painful – it was so hard to move on when my ex continued to contact me and tell me how sad he was…

    Worse still, I had planned a whole trip away for the two of us the following week after the break up and he took another girl, the same girl he told me a couple weeks later that he was dating. It felt like the pain kept getting worse and like it would never end or get better.

    It did, but it made me incredibly scared to get into a relationship again.. I know it happens to everyone, but it’s painful.

  15. it quite literally feels like the worse feeling in the entire world, then, slowly but surely, you start to feel better again.

  16. I lived with him and his brother and room mate, at 16 and when I turned 18, I wanted to see my friend and he became insanely jealous and threatened to kill me. I loved him even though he was verbally abusive, and when I left, i lived with a friend, and I remember my dad picking up my dressers at the guy’s house, on the back of a trailer and my dad hugging me while I sobbed. I told him “I know hes an ahole he was mean but I dont want to leave” I felt hopeless and scared but that quickly went away being around friends.

  17. Awful! I cried and cried until I came back to my senses; he was not gonna be in my life anymore, not in the sense i wanted, he was never the one… After 2 years of unrequited love, I moved on gradually.

  18. I found myself laughing a lot. I woke up the morning after and felt a tightness in my chest, I couldn’t believe I was about to experience this heartbreak that billions people wrote, write and will write about so I chuckled at it. What an interesting thing to be human and feel any emotion? I do this thing where I look at myself from a 3rd pov and anytime i would catch myself being sad in a public place or my mind replaying our last few conversation, I would be wrecked but I was amused that I could experience the emotion. As someone who was severely depressed (before the heartbreak) and was so used to being numb I was just happy to be feeling anything at all. Don’t get me wrong it sucked, not being able to talk to them the way i would like, soo many things I wanted to say, the random reminders that they once had so much space in my life (my phone would literally suggest that I message them) and the guilt that washed over me (because i was the one that ended things) because of how bad i felt for possibly wasting their time. All of that sucked ass. But I was glad to have been experiencing these normal human emotions, a sadness that would eventually dissipate.

  19. Horrible. Lost my appetite, my self-esteem, confidence, cannot care about how i look, always have this lump in my throat that suffocates me and I just want this to be over. I realised even him returning wont take away the pain. I cried so much. So much over our moments, our shared memories,our pictures, my “future plans”, and everything relating to him. I hate every part of this nightmare.

  20. When I got pregnant by my boyfriend and he left me for some white trash girl after telling me we’d be together and a family.

    Then I met the man who became my husband, who raised my son as his and we went on to have two more and a 19 year life together.
    He died of a torn aorta 5 years ago and I found out what heartbreak truly was.

  21. It was a passionate summer romance and he broke my heart in the careless, casual way teenage boys do. I was 16. It took me a long time to heal, way longer than the relationship itself lasted.

  22. I remember telling my sister in law that I wished I could turn off my feelings because they hurt too much. I wanted to hit walls and stuff too get rid off the pain.

  23. It was awful. I didn’t know how to handle it. I had walked in to say hi to her only to talk in to hear her taking about how she cheated on me… In middle school… I was angry, confused, depressed, and hurt… So fucking hurt…

  24. 3 words: Worst. Birthday. Ever.

    Reflecting back at it, if she was willing to dump me right before my birthday party, it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

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