my wife’s been having a hard enjoying herself during sex. In general, she seems to be having as much fun as ever, but is having a really hard time climaxing.

In the past, 8-15 minutes of full attention for her would do it, alternating PIV, fingering, oral with kissing, hugging, etc. I don’t feel like much has changed, though. We are still feeling good together and frequency hasn’t changed significantly either.

She just can’t get there for whatever reason.

We’ve talked about it and she doesn’t seem to know why.

What can we do to explore why she might be having a hard time and what could we to help her get there again?

**tl;dr**: Wife’s having a really hard time climaxing during sex lately. doens’t know why. What can we do?

  1. If she knows how to by herself to climax, try and do a similar way into foreplay. Most of the time it would be a clit climax, unless she can vaginally.

  2. Go to the gym and cut down your portions at mealtime. Her orgasm should come back after a few months of that

  3. Is she on any new medications lately? Antidepressants can completely change how your genitals feel and make it really hard to finish, and change how finishing feels.

  4. Has anything changed? Is she on a different medication for example? Ask her to describe what she’s experiencing. Is she getting close, but it just won’t happen? Have her discuss this with her Dr. It’s common and can be caused by many things. The actual term in Anorgasmia. The good news? It’s reversible in most cases! Get to the root of the issue, which could be a simple med change or hormone shift…then go rock her world!

  5. Has something shifted? Stress or medication can often impact sensation. Hormonal birth control and anti depressents can often dull orgasms.

  6. I agree with other comments. If she knows how to do it by herself or with you before, work your ways to doing that together. Or even if you’re both into it, explore with more things. Toys, stimulants, positions, etc. if it’s only been a year together and this issue comes across now, figure it out together now. Before in the long run it strains your sexual intimacy. It’s nothing to worry about tho, sometimes it sucks to not climax as a woman. But sometimes I enjoy the experience and intimacy even without coming.

  7. I can only climax while masturbating myself (no way I can with my partner masturbating me, not sure why).

    But he would be included, like, penetrating while I masturbate or kissing mouth/breasts.

    But sometimes nothing helps and I can’t get there. Usually stress makes me not climax. Just this month I spent two weeks without being able to.

    Usually it goes away by itself, I know we say talking about is good and bla bla bla, but sometimes just leaving it alone and enjoying sex without pressure is best, eventually it comes back to normal.

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